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C - DAY (2025-02-19)

Chemistry - Department History


This college is owned by the sisters congregation of the Immaculate Conception- Madurai Province. The ST. ANTONY'S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES FOR WOMEN is being construced near Thamaraipadi, at AmalaAnnai Nagar at 2007.

Course Offered: B.Sc., CHEMISTRY Department started on 2015

  • Bring a behavioral change in subject knowledge scientific aptitude and instrumental with be4st caliber.

  • Raise students to international standards.

  • To achieve excellent teaching and research

  • To develop the student to appreciate nature.

  • To promote leaders in the field of life science.

  • To develop the attitude of the students to concentrate on applied science aspects.

  • To impart knowledge and skills in zoological science.

  • The department aims to provide a broad multidisciplinary course in zoology

  • To achieve excellence in teaching, research and extension education in the field of zoology.

  • To promote students for self- employment through aquaculture, vermicompost5ing, sericulture and apiculture.

  • Configuration a basis of chemistry curriculum and smooth study plan.

  • Provide a sophisticated level of education for teaching of undergraduate.

  • Provide an opportunity for students to deepen his knowledge in the branches of chemistry, so that views on the outskirts of contemporary sciences.

  • Training the students on the way of scientific research and enable it to contribute to it under the supervision

  • Rehabilitation of the student in- depth knowledge of the extent of scientific maturity can participate effectively in the scientific and technical aspects of the development and planning program.

  • To contribute to consulting services tanning short courses, solve scientific and industrial problem facing the development plan.

  • Continued development of faculty members by sending them for training course, so as to maintain high degree of efficiency and performance.

  • Support and cooperation the scientific cooperation between faculty members in the department and cooperation with the other departments in the field of multipurpose research.