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C - DAY (2025-02-19)

Physics - Department History


The Department of Physics was established in the year 2015.The Department of Physics is one of the departments, serving to the needs of the Under Graduate students, and also to improve the basic amenities in Physics. At present it is functioning as a full-fledged department with five qualified faculty members with 69 students.


  • To provide a comprehensive undergraduate physics degree program.

  • To prepare students for their future educational and carrier challenges.

  • To encourage faculty and students research.


  • The physics department in its curriculum and its students centered research projects endeavors to fulfill the immediate and future needs and interest of a variety of students

  • The department provides courses that enhance their skills and their appreciation.

  • To develop among students sensitivity to contribute to the betterment of society through knowledge in physics


  • Configuration a basis of physics curriculum and smooth study plan.

  • Provide a sophisticated level of education for teaching of undergraduate.

  • Provide an opportunity for students to deepen his knowledge in the branches of physics, so that views on the outskirts of contemporary science.

  • Training the students on the way of scientific research and enable it to contribute to it under the supervision.

  • Rehabilitation of the student in-depth knowledge of the extent of scientific maturity can participate effectively in the scientific and technical aspects of the development and planning program.

  • To contribute to consulting services training short courses, solve scientific and industrial problem facing the development plan.

  • Continued development of faculty members by sending them for training course, so as to maintain a high degree of efficiency and performance.

  • Support and encourage the scientific cooperation between faculty members in the department and cooperation with the other departments in the field of multipurpose research.

Future plan

  • To extend Department library.

  • To enrich Research activities through M.Sc. Programme.