Soft skills training is a type of training that focuses on developing "soft" skills, which are non-technical skills. Some soft skill topics include time management, stress management, relationship building, leadership, managerial development, sales training, negotiation techniques and customer service.
Mr. A. Paul Susheel International Life Coach, PS Training Academy, Dindigul Addressed on Human Resource skills for professional Management to the Students on 25.01.2023
The students in rapt attention in the session on Interpersonal Skill for Employability by Dr. S.Kavitha on 12.12.2022 in the Amala Auditorium
Soft Skill Training on Interview Etiquettes by Mrs. K. Andresia Michaeline on 21.10.2022 at Wisdom Block
Mrs. A. Sudha, Academic Trainer, Rexona Deodorant Private Limited addressed on the topic Women and Self Confidence on 17.02.2023