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D - DAY (2025-03-07)

Mathematics - POs & POSs

Programme Outcomes (POs)

On successful completion of B.Sc Mathematics programme, the students will be able to

  • PO1: think critically, evaluate analytically and apply the acquired knowledge of their discipline in related scenario.

  • PO2: formulate hypothesis, design experiments, use appropriate tools and interpret the results.

  • PO3: demonstrate the precise understanding of the principles and theories of their discipline through experiments

  • PO4: enhance the communicative skills and gain confidence to disseminate knowledge through oral/verbal communications effectively at various situations

  • PO5: identify the different roles in an organizational structure of the work place and carry out multiple roles in social responsibilities.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the programme, the students will be able to

  • PSO1: perceive the relevance of the subject in various fields such as science, technology, business and industries

  • PSO2: interpret the graphical and numerical data and apply the analytical, theoretical and computational skills to solve problems.

  • PSO3: acquaint with the knowledge on the effects of changing conditions in real life systems to construct mathematical models and excel in various decision making tasks

  • PSO4: understand mathematical ideas and foundations of mathematics to develop proficiency in Mathematics

  • PSO5: engage in activities directly benefiting the broader community and acquire job oriented knowledge